Creative Ones

Creative SMS - SMS application for online stores or business management software

One of the applications I've put a lot of stuff on and I've worked with great is Android Creative SMS, the application developed to allow you to send the web to sms, free of charge to your customers in an automated way. The application was specifically designed for online stores and works well for various developed software applications.

A key element in your relationship as an online store with your customers is to bring the level of interaction to one's own. The key element is the fact that the cost of promotion is greatly reduced, a much stronger link is created leading to the loyalty of that client and is a much more cost-effective long-term investment. Often, the method that most companies use to address this practice is online promotion (promoting on social media, ppc, SEO) and SMS Marketing. SMS Marketing is still a fairly costly and manageable method..

Based on this aspect, we've been thinking of answering some of the most upsetting questions our customers have:

Can I send free SMS to my clients?

Is there a way to get the receipt of the parcel from my buyers easier?

Is there an easy-to-install SMS sending application in the platform?

Can I keep track of my activity on a mobile platform?

And the answer I've worked for all these questions is the Creative SMS application.

What is the android Creative SMS application?

Creative SMS is developed by Creative Ones and is an Android application for free to send automated web SMS generated especially for online stores or business management software. This application is a specially designed module for Opencart or other opensource platforms that can be used to notify buyers in the database via SMS.

Why is the Creative SMS application worth implementing?

First of all, hosting is free. We have identified that one of the main concerns among our customers is hosting. So, for them, I have answered the question that worries them about this problem. Another benefit that adds value to this application is that it offers you the ability to automatically or manually notify the customer about the status of your orders. For example, through an automatically generated SMS, you can notify him about the status of his or her order (password verification message, if the order was received, if it is ready for delivery, etc.) or you can manually send a message you can ask for certain information, let him know about a particular aspect, etc. As we all know that time is the most precious resource, the Creative SMS application developed by a team of seniors program saves you for a long time and not only, but also increases brand awareness because you can send personalized messages. Creative SMS has been thought to be a very practical and easy-to-use application. In order for these 2 exigencies to be met, the application is installed on the personal or company's phone, the "Allow send SMS" checkbox is ready for use. In the main menu there is the "API Settings" tab where there is the documentation where you can install an API key with any web developer on any online store software or web site in general. Also, according to this documentation, the key was also installed on more complex accounting, billing, or business management software, such as Senior software, as an example.. 

How does it work and what are the installation steps for android SMS automated SMS delivery?

First of all, you can follow a tutorial  here explaining step by step how to set up the application and what steps to follow to work without any problems.

The SMS app for online stores developed by Creative Ones, works as follows:

  • Install the app on your personal or special mobile phone from Google Play by searching for "Creative SMS" or accessing the link here.

  • Create your account on the Creative SMS platform by visiting this link. The email address you entered must be valid, as an account activation link will be sent. Once the link has been accessed and the account has been activated, the exact same registration data must also be entered in the application on your phone..

  • After the connection has been successful, it is very important to activate sending SMS by ticking "Allow send SMS". For security reasons, this option is disabled (unchecked) by default.

  • Now your phone and web platform are connected via the Creative SMS application and you can send SMS directly from your computer. You can make a test using the "instant sms" tab.

  • The Android Creative SMS app was designed to be linked through the API to your online store, so in the "API Settings" menu you can log in with your programmer's team or you can even call our web programming services to implement it.

  • Once all of the settings have been finalized properly, a section will be further developed in the admin panel of your online store where you can send SMS with various topics that remain saved and "drafts" for the following referrals.

    Have you decided to start your own promotion campaigns using SMS Marketing? Have I begun your interest in managing your orders and bringing your customers closer to your brand? Good, Contact us for more details about Creative SMS.

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