This play is embraced at any age. Large people like to play, not to be so serious all the time and creative brands can get closer to playing their clients. Mobile game is a viral marketing tool that has developed a lot in recent years. Through a free download game you can easily send marketing messages to your customers and potential customers in a fun way. You become so "complicated" in playing with your audience so seriously. At the marketing level, companies want a repositioning: more openness, more humanization, and these things can be achieved by harnessing all communication channels. With technology so advanced, opening up to the mobile game is the best way of online advertising in a creative way that involves the consumer and creates an experience. And if the experience is fun, the better. We challenge this online promotion tool because it means a lot of creativity, putting together a serious, sober brand, as well as a client and the goal of hiring everyone in a gaming experience with image benefits. Obviously, the game needs to be tailored to the brand's business. We can put fans on your brand to run after shopping carts if the brand is a hypermarket, to catch the mice if it is a pest control company to catch as many bottles of water if it's a water bottler ... creativity has no limits. Take a look at our latest mobile game